
What the Funk? was born out of my natural predisposition to incredulity and cursing. I would have gone with the more commonly used phrase, but that’s nothing my mom could be proud, right? So, ‘Funk’ – the maiden name that gave me so much angst growing up – finally comes in handy. I’m a wife (totally married him for his last name… I kid!), mother of three, non-practicing attorney, event producer, publicist and frustrated writer who spends way too much time expressing my thoughts in 140 character bursts on Twitter. I talk (rant?) a lot about sports (football was my first love), politics (Sarah Palin is the arch-nemesis in my head) and the cultural phenomena surrounding both. Sometimes I may throw in some personal anecdotes about myself or other musings that showcase (embarrass?) my family. I also heard starting a blog makes people physically fit, emotionally fulfilled, enormously popular and vastly rich. Where shall I pick up my first check?